Biotechnology advocates –
rospatt has been in this field since the very beginning.


We have represented clients in the biotech field from the inception of law in this sector. Our experience extends from the earliest days, where the protection of specific nucleic acids and proteins still existed (e.g. HCV and HIV), to essay technologies, PCR technologies, antibodies and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), vaccination technology and biological drugs, including biosimilars.

Related Cases

  • Chiron v Roche (HCV assay, HIV assay, Herceptin)
  • Illumina / Sequenom v Roche / Cenata (non-invasive pre-natal testing)
  • IlluminaMGI (gene sequencing technology)
  • Novartis v Merck Sorono (HAS free Interferon beta)
  • Ono Pharmaceutical v Merck (checkpoint inhibitor)